Thursday, September 19th 2024

AA continues offensive against junta's tactical operation command bases

  • By: Web Master
  • | Date: 27 December 2023
  • | Viewer: 4.3k

 The Arakan Army (AA) continues its offensive against two tactical operation command bases of the military junta, in return  the junta troops have used air forces for their defense.

Among the two tactical operation command bases, the Khawea one is located near Paletwa township of Chin State and the Tinma Taung Shay mountain base is located in Kyauktaw township under Rakhine State.

The Three Brotherhood Alliance, in a statement issued on 26 December, stated that their armed members are now actively engaged in offensive operations to capture the Khawea tactical operation command base.


Meanwhile, on  the night of Tuesday, two junta owned warplanes conducted an attack at the vicinity of Tinma Taung Shay mountain tactical operation command base in Tinma (upper) village under  Kyauktaw locality.


The tactical operations command base serves as a camp for firing artillery shells by the soldiers. The junta troops are using artillery shells firing and air strikes to defend the command base.


The clashes between AA members and junta troops have been going on since 25 December. The local residents informed Narinjara News that during the night, the soldiers initiated airstrikes by  two warplanes.


On 26 December by  2:51 pm, another clash between the two armed groups  took place near the hill point number  982 in Khan-Kha mountain ranges of Paletwa township.

In Pauktaw locality,  four junta owned naval ships continued artillery shells firing which resulted in many areas caught fire, stated the Three Brotherhood Alliance statement.


"On 26 December, Pauktaw township witnessed continuous artillery firing from the other side of Pauktaw river. The artillery shells exploded in Thin Baw Seik (number 1 and 2)  wards which damaged some civilian houses in the locality,” added the announcement.


Simultaneously, at around 11 am on  the same day a naval ship near Nan Kyun fired upon a passenger boat arriving from Myint Gar. The boat sank and several passengers sustained injuries.

Moreover,  at 8:30 pm on Tuesday, a clash between the AA members and junta troops took place near Kyauk Rit Kay intersection of  Mrauk-U township. Subsequently, at 9 pm the AA members  captured the Mrauk-U district police station.

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