Thursday, September 19th 2024

US calls on military regime to end violence against Myanmar people

  • By: Web Master
  • | Date: 17 September 2024
  • | Viewer: 395

Maung Sar Ga, Narinjara News, 17 September 2024


US embassy in Yangon called on the military regime to end violence against the Myanmar people on the International Day of Democracy, which is observed on 15 September annually.


“We call on the military regime to end its violence against civilians, release those unjustly detained, provide humanitarian access to those in need and respect the will of the people,” said a statement issued by the US embassy in Yangon.


The US stands with the people of Myanmar in their aspirations for freedom and democracy, added the statement.


“On this auspicious day, we are reminded that democracy—government of the people, by the people, and for the people—is humanity’s most enduring means to advance peace, prosperity, and security,” asserted the statement.


The National Unity Government (NUG) recently announced that since the coup was materialised on 1 February 2021 more than 5,500 individuals opposing the military regime were killed till the end of August 2024. Moreover,  160 people were sentenced to death on suspicion of being involved with the Spring Revolution.


The International Day of Democracy, which was established by a resolution passed in the 62nd United Nations General Assembly on 8 November 2007 to honor the universal declaration on democracy, which was adopted on 15 September 1997.

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