Thursday, September 19th 2024

AA completely captures Mrauk-U, 3 navy warships sunk: Three Brotherhood Alliance

  • By: Web Master
  • | Date: 10 February 2024
  • | Viewer: 4.6k

The Arakan Army (AA) had completely captured Mrauk-U, the ancient capital of Rakhine kingdom, and put three junta navy warships to sink after heavy battles, said Three Brotherhood Alliance in a statement  issued on Thursday.


"The AA fighters have  launched a major offensive against the 31st police battalion, the remaining junta base in Mrauk-U locality of Rakhine State, which often harassed the civilians and destroyed local historical sites," added the statement.


With 540th, 377th and 378th light infantry battalions already captured, the AA fighters finally won the 31st police battalion in Mrauk-U township and thus they have completely brought  Mrauk-U under their control.


The Arakanese fighters also managed to sink three navy warships in the river and another warship was completely destroyed.


Due to the AA fighter’s offensive, the junta forces used all its army, navy and air force personnel in the locality, but they faced defeat. On 7 and 8 February, the AA members responded to the junta forces, elaborated the statement.


As of 2024, the AA fighters have rendered seven warships which have now become useless. Three of the junta's navy warships  over the Rakhine sea were also captured by AA fighters.

Many  junta soldiers fled to the warships and they were asked to surrender. When they refused to comply, the AA fighters vehemently attacked them.

The statement declared that 8 February 2024 marked a historic victory for the AA fighters as they defeated the  junta forces in the sea battle.


The junta also launched naval warships where from the soldiers fired 25 times in Ramree (Yanbye) township on 8 February. From their camp at Thein Taung Kone pagoda, the soldiers also fired artillery shells one number 5 Laung Chaung of Ramree township from 7:20 am to 2:32 pm. On the previous night, the soldiers conducted airstrikes one  Ramree locality using jet fighters.

At 7 am on 8 February, the AA fighters attacked Koe Tan Kauk border guard camp located along Ah Ngu Maw-Maungdaw highway in southwest of Rathedaung township. This camp is situated near Done Pike and Chein Khar Li border guard camps, which were abandoned by the soldiers  on 13 and 14 November at the onset of AA operations in the Rakhine region.


The soldiers in Rathedaung locality fiercely defended their camps with artillery shells and airstrikes.

At around 3 pm on Thursday, a jet fighter attacked Lay Taung Bway island near Kalar Yaung in Taungup township, where they also used machine guns to terrorise the people.

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