Thursday, September 19th 2024

Three persons found beheaded in Arakan

  • By: Web Master
  • | Date: 11 September 2019
  • | Viewer: 2.9k

by Thein Zaw, 11 September 2019

Sensations prevailed in Mray Bon and Ann Townships of Arakan (Rakhine) State in western Myanmar as three persons were beheaded in two separate locations on Tuesday.

The victims were identified as U Nyi Nyi Htwe (40 years old) from Kam Htaung Gyi sub-town under Mray Bon township, U Maung Lon (40) from Thal Kam Taung village and U Mg Khine (40) from Mae Thangyo village under Ann township.

A villager from Kam Htaung  Gyi informed that bodies of U Nyi Nyi Htwe and U Maung Lon were seen in their town market by morning hours on 10 September. Heads were separated and put over the bodies, he added.

“We don’t know the culprits behind it. We saw both the bodies with their heads placed on their bellies.  I suspect they were killed outside the town and later brought their bodies to the market road,” revealed the villager.

The third victim U Mg Khine was found killed at his village (Mae Thangyo).

U Ko Ko Myat, Ann township administrator confirmed the incidents while talking to Narinjara News over the telephone but denied any kind of details.

“I can confirm the murders taking place in Mray Bon and Ann townships, but cannot reveal details as the cases are under the investigating process,” he said.

Locals at Kam Htaung Gyi sub-town got scared after witnessing the beheaded bodies in broad daylight.

By now one dozen people have been murdered this year in Arakan but no one has been made accountable for the crimes.

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