Thursday, September 19th 2024

Junta arranges pleasure trip for wounded soldiers to Rakhine sea beaches

Many officers and soldiers of the junta forces, who were wounded while fighting against armed groups and later recovered from injuries following medical treatment, have been awarded a pleasure trip to Ngapali sea beach in Rakhine State.

They arrived at Thandwe airport on 24  July where they were welcomed by the commander of the western region military command, major general Tin Lat Oo along with many departmental staff, said the Rakhine Daily News.

The  visiting officers and soldiers were flown to Ngapali by the military council owned planes through Nay Pyitaw and Yangon region.

On 11 June, those officers and soldiers sustained  injuries in the battle field. After recovery, they were sent on a vacation trip to Ngapali in Rakhine state and Chaung Tha beach in Irrawaddy division.

U Pe Than, a veteran Rakhine politician and former member of the Map Township Hluttaw, told Narinjara News that the military council often send soldiers who receive injuries in battles on vacation trips with an aim to reorganize the families of their subordinate officers and soldiers.

"Sending such a vacation trip also involves organizing their families in the army.  The junta wants to show that they always take care of their comrades in the army,” said Pe Than.

Since the coup, the military council has been facing revolutionary struggles of various ethnic armed organizations, including the People's Defense Forces across Myanmar.

There have been many casualties and injuries during the gunfighting, according to the armed resistance forces. There are also many deserters who escaped the army camp in recent days.

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