
Junta imposes travel restrictions on Arakanese, Wa, Kokang, Palaung in Yangon

August 28/ 2024 | View Counts :2587

Saw Shin May, Narinjara News, 28August 2024

The military junta in Yangon has imposed the travel restrictions onArakanese people holding 11/national registration cards (NRC), as well as onWa, Kokang and Palaung individuals holding 13/Shan State NRC cards, within theareas currently controlled by the Three Brotherhood Alliance (3BHA).

At Aung Mingalar highway bus stationin Mingaladon of Yangon, the Arakanese individuals with 11/NRC cards canpurchase tickets only if they can show recommendation letters from both thepolice station and ward administrator.


An Arakanesenational, who recently bought a car ticket with recommendation letters, noted that these letters were issued only for employment purposes, notfor travel, by the concerned police officers and ward administration officials,and it was causing difficulties for the Arakanese people.


"For11/NRC holders, you need recommendation letters from both the police stationand the ward administrator to buy a car ticket. Without these two letters, youcannot purchase a ticket. However, the police station and ward administrationoffice only issue recommendation letters for job applications, not for travel.As a result, now it becomes difficult for 11/NRC Arakanese people totravel," said the Arakanese national, adding that the recommendationletters are valid for one day only.


"Theydon't really want to issue recommendation letters to 11/NRC holders. As theseletters were valid for one day only,  I had to return urgently. It's veryinconvenient to travel with such a short permit when one travels with familymembers for health issues," he stated.


Thetravelers have to pay Kyats 2,000 to 5,000 to the police and administrationofficers to obtain such a recommendation letter, he alleged.


The juntahas recently banned 13/Shan State NRC holders (such as Wa, Kokang, and Palaungindividuals) from obtaining car tickets, said an internally displaced person inYangon.

The junta authorities also imposedtravel restrictions on 7, 5 &  8/NRC holders from Bago, Sagaing andMagwe localities where the resistance forces remain strong.

The travel restrictions onArakanese, Wa, Kokang and Palaung individuals came to exist after Operation1027 within the specific areas.


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