Tuesday, September 17th 2024

AA steps up offensive in Maungdaw region, military junta boosts reinforcements

Naung Min Thu

Narinjara News, 26 May 2024


The Arakan  Army (AA) is intensifying its offensive to capture the entire Maungdaw region of Rakhine  State, while the military junta used waterways to bolster their reinforcements, said local residents.


Moreover, the junta forces and armed Muslims have taken their positions in residential areas including in religious buildings to resist the AA offensive.


"The junta soldiers and armed Muslims are stationed in Maung Ni village-tract, Kanyin Tan village-tract, number 5 ward Aye Tar Li Yar village-tract and Shwe Zar village-tract. They are using schools along with the religious buildings inside the town," added a resident.


The border guard personnel, who fled from the border guard stations in northern Maungdaw,  are also stationed in those villages along with the armed Muslims.


"Most border guard personnel do not want to fight. If the AA fighters attack their bases, they will run away. Currently, Maungdaw has not witnessed any gun fighting at this moment inside the town areas. The gunshots were heard from the 5th border guard police battalion at the town's entry point. The AA fighters have besieged the town," stated the resident.


The AA fighters have encircled Maungdaw from the east, north and south. A Muslim resident informed that the military junta is reinforcing their presence to prevent Maungdaw from falling into the hands of AA.


The military is sending reinforcements through the waterways almost every day. On 20 May, two landing craft arrived, following which two more landing craft came on the night of 22 May.


On 22 May,  the 5th border guard police battalion and  2nd border guard police battalion were reinforced with five vehicles carrying soldiers and five vehicles with artillery shells, which were transported by two landing craft. On 20 May,  five vehicles carrying artillery shells were transported by two landing craft to reinforce the 5th border guard police battalion, while the soldiers were reinforced at Kanyin Chaung economic zone.


"To prevent Maungdaw from falling, the junta has exerted control over Muslim soldiers and ARSA members. The access to the town's entry and exit points has been restricted. Any individual found attempting to do so is being arrested and even shot at," added the Muslim resident.


Fearing that the AA fighters might attack Maungdaw soon, some residents have left their places for safer shelters.

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