
Junta’s airstrikes on No-2 border police battalion in Maungdaw, over 50 killed, many injured

September 11/ 2024 | View Counts :2577

Naung Min Thu, Narinjara News, 10 September 2024

The junta forces carried out airstrikes on 2nd border guard policebattalion (NaKhaKha-2) in 4-mile of  Maungdaw town, which was occupied bythe Arakan Army (AA) fighters. The attack, conducted by two jet fighters,resulted in the death of more than 50 people, including prisoners of war andcivilian inmates, with many others injured.


According to a statement issued by the AA, two airstrikes wereconducted by jet fighters on 9 September at around 9:30 pm. The casualtiesincluded prisoners of war and civilian inmates temporarily detained atNaKhaKha-2 base in Arakan State.


The deceased included:


1. Prisonersof war captured during the battle for Maungdaw

2. Membersof ARSA and RSO terrorist groups

3. Armedforces trained by the fascist military junta

4. Alliesof the fascist military junta

5. Informerstrained by the military junta

6. Individualsunder arrest for attempting to disrupt and undermine the ULA/AA and the Arakannational revolution.

7. Peopleassociated with the ALP.

8. Individualsarrested following suspicions activities


The AA statement noted that many injured individuals are incritical condition.


The junta's two jet fighters conducted the airstrikes on theirreturn, causing bombs to explode in the dormitories behind the NaKhaKha-2battalion.


"They killed their own people with the airstrikes. Theydropped  four bombs behind the NaKhaKha-2 battalion and destroyed severaldormitories," said a military analyst.


During the battle to capture Maungdaw, many members of ARSA, RSOand ARA as well as junta forces including military-trained Muslim armed rebels,some ward & village administrators, 100-house-group elders, etc  weredetained as prisoners of war by the AA fighters.


The junta soldiers conducted airstrikes after the AA fighterscaptured the NaKhaKha-2 battalion on 6 July.


The junta forces conducted airstrikes on Maungdaw at 3:00 pm. Ahouse in Kaing Gyi (Arakanese) village was destroyed by artillery shells firedfrom navy vessels.


On the evening of 8 September, the junta soldiers conductedairstrikes on a medical center for prisoners of war and inmates in Shin villageunder Pauktaw township, resulting in 17 casualties and injuries to manypersons.


The junta is currently targeting densely populated areas withairstrikes on hospitals, schools, markets, monasteries, churches, residentialbuildings, etc. The soldiers also hit the camps they abandoned and department buildings once used by the government agencies.

So the AA asked the residents to remain cautious in those areasfrom probable airstrikes and also landmines.

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