Tuesday, September 17th 2024

AA seizes 3 military vehicles from Buthidaung-Maungdaw highway

The Arakha Army (AA) fighters attacked using landmines and captured three military vehicles belonging to the junta forces and carrying weapons and other items from Buthidaung-Maungdaw highway in Rakhine State on Thursday.


The local eyewitnesses reported that after the AA fighters seized the vehicles in the morning hours, the junta forces conducted two airstrikes using jet fighters on the highway.


"At around 6 am, three blue coloured military vehicles, loaded with weapons and covered by green tarpaulins, were heading towards Buthidaung. The AA fighters attacked the vehicles with landmines. At around 11:40 am, a jet fighter arrived in  the 6-mile area and dropped two bombs. Five minutes later, two more jet fighters arrived and dropped four  bombs,” added a local resident.

The extent of damages and casualties because of the AA’s landmine attack on the vehicles is yet to be known.

Moreover, the number 2 border guard police battalion, located in Maungdaw 4 mile, was also attacked by AA operated drones at around 1 am on 25 April. The drones dropped five bombs together and later dropped three and two bombs at around 3 pm.

"AA fighters continuously attacked the number  2 border guard police battalion and number  5 border guard police battalion using the drones. The junta forces used anti-drone weapons against the attack. They dropped six bombs on the 6-mile of Maungdaw-Buthidaung highway with three jet fighters, which were responded to by AA fighters’ three drone attacks,” added the resident.

As the AA fighters attacked the number  2 border guard police battalion with drones, the junta forces reinforced their presence within the battalion.


On 24 April, a fierce clash between the junta forces and AA fighters took place on  Buthidaung-Maungdaw highway which is under the control of AA. The junta soldiers continuously fired multiple rocket launcher systems (MLRS) and conducted airstrikes using jet fighters.

On 7 April, the AA fighters attacked the number 2 border guard police battalion in 4-mile using seven bombs dropped from the drones. They also targeted Myo Thu Gyi number  5 border guard police battalion with two  bombs dropped from drones.

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