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Junta holds Security and Counter- Terrorism forums to contain spread of PDF resistance and deal with “Abnormal Situation” in the country

  • By: Web Master
  • | Date: 02 February 2023
  • | Viewer: 1.8k

February 2, 2023 (Narinjara) and leaked report from Khit Thit Media


At the NDSC (the National Defense and Security Council meeting: 1/2023) held on the morning of January 31, the junta ‘s top security officials concluded the the country was currently “ not normal “.


In addition to this, the Military Council announced that on February 1st, the NDSC will release what is needed to bring stability to the country.


In the meeting, CRPH, NUG and PDF were portrayed as “terrorist groups who want to completely destroy the state and are trying to seize state power through insurgency and violence.”


The meeting was held yesterday morning at the meeting hall of the State Administration Council Chairmans Office in Naypyidaw. It was attended by Acting President U Myint Swe, Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw U T Khun Myat, Military Council Chairman Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, Vice Chairman Vice Senior General Soe Win, Minister of Defense General Mya Tun Oo, Minister of Home Affairs Lieutenant General Soe Htut, Minister of Foreign Affairs U Wunna Maung Lwin and Minister of Border Affairs Lieutenant General Tun Tun Naung.


However a far worse situation for the coup regime emerges from leaked minutes from a top-level “counterterrorism” meeting led by Home Affairs Minister Lieutenant-General Soe Htut in December .


The minutes from the meeting reveal the junta is at its wit’s end in trying to contain the mushrooming of PDFs and lack of public support “ to crush the National Unity Government (NUG).


The leaked document. comes from a December meeting of the Central Committee for Counter-Terrorism, shared online by Khit Thit Media. It reveals that the 50 high ranking security and intelligence officials arrived at two key conclusions :


1) that resistance forces known collectively as People’s Defense Forces (PDFs) had expanded beyond control, and PDF attacks are expected to intensify this year.


2) none of the officials present at the meeting were confident the regime will be able to successfully hold the election planned in August.


Attending this meeting were more than 50 senior regime officials including deputy ministers for home affairs, defense, and border affairs, senior police officers, military intelligence officials, and security and border affairs officials at the regional and state levels.


The announcement will be made by the National Defense and Security Council on

February 1, 2023 about on their plan for ending the country’s abnormal situation.


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