
One police member killed in bomb attack on Lewe police station in Nay Pyi Taw

June 15/ 2023 | View Counts :8006

One police member was killed and threeothers wounded as the attackers who arrived by motorbike threw a grenade atLewe Township police station in Nay Pyi Taw, the capital city of Myanmar, ataround five pm on 12 June.

Police member De Thu Kha was killed and three others including policeinspector Pyone Cho, police corporal Kyaw Thu wounded in a bomb attack on theLewe police station.

Since the end of May until mid-June, the resistance forces have beencarrying out more attacks on security camps in Nay Pyi Taw, where the militarycouncil is headquartered.

At around 8 pm on 12 June, a bomb attack occurred at the security gate nearMyanmar International Convention Centre (MICC)-2 in Zabuthiri Township in NayPyi Taw.

On 12 June, a combined force of People’s Defense Forces (PDFs) attacked MwayHauk Myaung military camp in Pyinmana in Nay Pyi Taw. Five military councilsoldiers were killed and one PDF member wounded.

“I have seen more attacks these days amid tight security. Attacks arereported in Lewe and Zabuthiri, said a Lewe resident.

The military council confirmed the attack on Lewe police station. Somemembers of the military security forces said that the attackers were arrestedin Pyinmana on the morning of 13 June through CCTV footage.

A member of the military council, who did not want to be named, said, “Themilitary council checked the CCTV footage and searched for the people includedin the footage. The attackers were caught near Kimpontan market in Pyinmana,where the motorcycle used by the person was found in the video record. At themoment, three people have been arrested,” he said.

Security has been increased in Nay Pyi Taw. Attacks like this occur althoughthe military council has fully installed CCTV at the junction and crossroads,traffic posts and wards, residents say.

#Military Council
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