Thursday, September 19th 2024

Restriction imposed in several villages of Rakhine State

Narinjara News, 19 August 2022

Following a fierce fighting between the junta forces and Arakan Army (AA) in northern Rakhine State, the military council has prohibited the movement of villagers in the southern part of Maungdaw Township and southwestern part of Rathedaung Township.

A villager informed Narinjara News that since Thursday, the junta authority has banned the movement of residents in several villages located at along the motor road between Angu Maw in Rathedaung township and Maungdaw.

Among the villages, four Muslims villages are also included which are Phataw Pyin, Nyang Chaung, Pading and Du Nyaung Pin village citing security reasons.

The villages are about 4 miles away from the downtown area of Maungdaw. Now the residents of those villages are banned from passing through any village and even going to Maungdaw town, said a villager.

The military council has also set up many checkpoints at the entrances of those villages.

Locals stated that a fighting took place near Waila Taung in northern Maungdaw between the government forces and AA members.Another clash on 13 August was also reported from Rathedaung township which is also very close to the southern part of Maungdaw.

“The place of fighting is far from our village, even though the authority has imposed restrictions in our places. Now we can not go out,” said a villager.Narinjara News tried to get a response from the Rakhine State security & border affairs minister colonel Kyawthura and the Maungdaw township governor over telephones, but failed.

It is yet to be announced for how long the imposition will continue. If it elongates the residents may face troubles in their living.

On 13 August, three battles took place near Kyauk Pandhu village under Maungdaw township, another place near Myanmar-Bangladesh (under Maungdaw township) and one more at Mayu  range between Dom Baik and Chang Kha Lain villages under Ratheaung township.

The army personnel immediately restricted the ferry service from Sittwe to Angu Maw port in Rathedaung township and even the road connecting Angu Maw with Maungdaw locality has also been closed since 14 August.


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