Friday, September 20th 2024

AA captures division & tactical commanders alive, two captured dead

  • By: Web Master
  • | Date: 15 February 2024
  • | Viewer: 4.4k

 During the last three months’ conflicts,  the Arakan Army (AA) fighters captured many division commanders and tactical operation commanders of the military junta, where two were found dead. One is missing with no recent information, said the AA's 14 February statement.


Two individuals, who were captured alive, include  lieutenant colonel Nyi Nyi Win, commander of tactical operations command-3 under the 9th military operations command (MOC-9) in Kyauktaw and brigadier general Zaw Min Tun, division commander of Kyauktaw MOC-9.


"Lt Col Nyi Nyi Win faced injuries on head and chest. He was captured alive on 16 January. After good care from our medical personnel, he is now recovering and out of danger now,” added the statement.


Brig Gen  Zaw Min Tun (51, Army/27988) was captured along with several soldiers from a naval battleship near Ah Pauk Wa village under Kyauktaw township.


The dead colonels are identified as Min Min Tun, division commander of the 11th division based in Mrauk-U (Army/31514) and Banyar Paing Soe (Army/35344), the None Bu tactical operation commander of Paletwa township.


"The one who was captured dead is the division commander of the 11th division (Army/31514). The AA fighters attacked the 377th light infantry battalion in Mrauk-U on 7 February," stated the AA's release.


The missing individual is brigadier general Zin Myo Swe (Army/27967), the division commander of MOC-19 based in Paletwa.


The statement admitted that there is no specific information about the status of Zin Myo Swe if he died, disappeared or escaped.


During the conflict lasting over three months (13 November 2023 to 14 February 2024), the AA fighters captured all military and police camps in Pauktaw, Kyauktaw, Minbya, and Mrauk-U townships of Rakhine State as well as the entire Paletwa region of Chin State.


Moreover, a number of border guard camps in Buthidaung and Maungdaw townships along with several police stations in Ramree (Yanbye) and other townships were also captured by the AA fighters. The offensive continues targeting the remaining military bases, which are yet to surrender, stated the release.


Among those who managed to escape with their lives during the naval battles and those who surrendered during the capture of military and police camps, the soldiers, police personnel   and their family members have been kept under AA custody with necessary care and comforts.

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