Tuesday, September 17th 2024

9 fishermen along with boats taken away by junta forces from Shwe Pyi Thar village in Sittwe

  • By: Web Master
  • | Date: 08 December 2023
  • | Viewer: 2.9k

 The junta forces took away nine fishermen along with their boats from Shwe Pyi Thar village under Sittwe township to retrieve the fishing nets from rivers which were understandably obstructed the navigation of security personnel near Pauktaw township.


The fishermen who are detained include Maung Tun Myint, Maung Soe Min Tun, Maung Aye Hla and U Than Htay from Shwe Pyi Thar village. The rest of them namely U Aung Chan Hla, U Kyaw Ye Aung, U Kyaw Htay Win, U Kyaw Naing and Maung Thein Naing hail from Kyan Chaung village under Ponna Kyunt township, but lately they were temporarily residing in Shwe Pyi Thar village.


According to a local source, the fishery department officials accompanied by 20 soldiers took away those nine individuals in the morning hours on 7 December.


"Those engaged in fishing activities need to possess a license from the fishery department. The license comprises personal information about the holders. In accordance with the military's directives, they were taken away by the soldiers in a military vehicle. The explanation provided says that they are being taken to retrieve the nets from rivers. As of now, they are yet to return and hence their families are worried about them,” said a local source.


Several local eyewitnesses informed that the fishermen along with the soldiers departed Sat Yoe Kya creek in their boats towards Taung Fhu mountain in Pauktaw township.


Lately, the navy personnel indulged in open firing on vessels, including the fishing boats, causing fishermen to refrain from fishing activities. Local residents stated that the nets put in the rivers remain undisturbed, but now the fishermen have been asked to take those away as it has affected the navigation.

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