Wednesday, October 16th 2024

US expresses deep concern over situation in Arakan State


Narinjara News, 24 May 2024


The United States has expressed deep concern over the reports of escalating violence and inter-communal tensions in Arakan State of Myanmar, including incidents of towns being burnt and residents displaced.


The US Department of State's statement on 21 May addressed the situation in the western province of Myanmar, also known as Rakhine State.


These developments follow concerning reports of forced conscription of Rohingyas along with the spread of disinformation, misinformation and hate speech, mentioned in the statement.


The military junta's previous acts of genocide and other crimes against humanity targeting Rohingyas, in addition to its history of stoking inter-communal tensions in Arakan State and elsewhere across the country, underscore the grave dangers to civilians.


The recent increased violence and inter-communal tensions raise the risks of further atrocities on civilians.


The statement calls on Myanmar's military rulers, as well as all armed actors, to protect civilian populations and allow for unhindered humanitarian access. 


It also urged the international partners to condemn the heightened violence, hold perpetrators of human rights abuses accountable and offer protection to those fleeing violence to prevent further atrocities.


The US remains committed to promote justice for victims and survivors, as well as to holding accountable those responsible for atrocities, and will impose costs on the military and other armed actors, who commit abuses, asserted the statement.

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