
Burmese Americans demonstrate outside the Chinese embassy in the US against Beijing's policies towards Myanmar

October 12/ 2024 | View Counts :1579

Narinjara News, 12 October 2024


On October 10, a group of American Burmeseexpatriates protested in front of the Chinese Embassy in Washington, DC,calling for a change in the Chinese government's stance on Myanmar.


One of the protesters, U Yin Aye, stated,"We are protesting to demand that China stop backing the militarydictatorship."


In addition, the demonstrators demanded that China modifyits stance towards the country, after Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi visitedMyanmar in August.

 Beijing put pressure on ethnic armed groupsalong the China-Myanmar border, pressuring them to stop their offensivesagainst the military junta, following the collapse of the Northeastern Commandin Shan State.


Beijing's declared policy of "non-interference inMyanmar's domestic affairs" is being violated by this pressure, which hassparked more demonstrations against the Chinese government.


This pressure has stopped the Three Brotherhood Alliance's(3BHA) aggressive momentum.


 As a result,expatriate nationals of Myanmar have stepped up their criticism of the Chinesegovernment.

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