Tuesday, September 17th 2024

Junta Troops Arrest Four Civilians from Buthidaung

  • By: Web Master
  • | Date: 09 December 2023
  • | Viewer: 2.5k

The junta troops arrested four innocent civilians in Buthidaung , Rakhine State.


The individuals arrested are U Shwe Maung (45), U Aung Zan (60), U Phyu Tun (50), and U Maung Than Win (53) from Ywar Ma Ward, Buthidaung Township.


According to a resident in Buthidaung who spoke to Narinjara News, the four individuals were arrested from their homes by a group of 40 Military Council troops at 4:30 a.m. on December 7.


"They were arrested at dawn. I witnessed them being taken to the Buthidaung tactical operation command," the resident said.


The spouse of one of the arrested individuals expressed concern, stating that family members are worried about the unjust arrest, and there has been no contact with their families.


"They arrived with two military vehicles, forcefully arresting him at our residence. As of this evening, we have received no communication. We are extremely concerned," she explained.


Local residents also reported that military council troops are conducting ambush patrols around Buthidaung.


Arakan Army (AA) spokesperson U Khaing Thukha told Narinjara on December 5 that Military Council troops arrested over 110 innocent people from November 13 to December 4, during the resurgence of fighting in Rakhine State.

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