Saturday, September 21st 2024

Junta's Battalion Launches Artillery Shelling on Sa Par Htar Village, Injuring Two Young Sisters

 The ‘terrorist’ Military Council battalion, stationed in Par Da Leik, intentionally fired artillery shells at Sa Par Htar village in Ponna Kyunt Township, Rakhine State. As a result, two young sisters were injured in the attack.


On December 12, at approximately 8:15 PM, the Military Council battalion stationed in Par Da Leik launched artillery shells, and one of them exploded in front of U Khin Maung Than's house in the village. This incident resulted in injuries to his two daughters, Ma Aye Aye Khaing, a 12-year-old fifth-grade student, and Ma Aye Myat Nwe, a 6-year-old kindergarten student.


"Approximately three artillery shells landed around the village, originating from the Sittwe Par Da Leik battalion. One of these shells exploded in the residence of U Khin Maung Than, resulting in injuries to two children who were hit by shrapnel," conveyed a social activist from Ponna Kyunt Township to Narinjara News.


An artillery shell exploded while the two children were using the phone at home. The elder sister, Ma Aye Aye Khaing, sustained a serious injury to her arm, while the younger sister, Ma Aye Myat Nwe, suffered minor injuries under the eyelid and in the thigh, according to a villager who preferred to remain anonymous.


"At the moment, the military has blocked both water and land routes, making it impossible to send the children to Sittwe General Hospital. There's a risk of arrest for those who try to transport them if they arouse suspicion. As a result, the children are being treated within the village, and there is growing concern as the shrapnel cannot be removed," he said.


The explosion of an artillery shell caused slight damage to U Khin Maung Than's metal roofing house.


On December 12, at approximately 8 PM, the Par Da Leik battalion fired at least 10 artillery shells into Sa Par Htar Village. According to local residents, the battalion has been intentionally targeting residential villages with daily artillery fire for an extended period.


Local residents assert that the 'terrorist' Military Council troops, experiencing losses in every Rakhine battles, are retaliating against the Arakan Army (AA) by deliberately targeting innocent Rakhine civilians on a daily basis.


On December 12, according to reports from the Arakan Army (AA), Military Council camps in six townships in Rakhine—Buthidaung, Rathedaung, Minbya, Mrauk-U, Ann, and Myebon—are attacking civilian villages with artillery shells and small arms. The reports further claim that the air force and navy are also engaging in attacks on residential homes using artillery shells and small arms.

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