Saturday, September 21st 2024

Junta increases reinforcement of forces along with supplies in Rakhine State

  • By: Web Master
  • | Date: 17 October 2023
  • | Viewer: 13.2k

The Burmese army authorities have reinforced more manpower along with weapons and food items in various Rakhine townships in recent days.


The military junta has initiated activities when a temporary ceasefire between the junta forces and Arakan Army (AA) continues to exist in Rakhine State. In some Rakhine townships and also Paletwa township of Chin State, the reinforcements have been conducted through the land and water routes.


On 12 October, the military council troops carried arms and food items along with temporary shelters for their camp on the mountain of Sa Nyin village under Maebon township.


"They carried rice grains to the mountain where the soldiers had been camping. Two temporary store houses were also built for the purpose. There are about 100 soldiers in the camp, but the food supplies have been increased this month,” said a local resident.


On 14 October, a large volume of weapons and food items was sent to Kyauk Taw township by the navy cargo ships on Kaladan river and also military vehicles.


A Kyauk Taw resident informed that those items were transported secretly, but local people saw them.


On 16 October, two navy vessels with several soldiers went  to Paletwa township of Chin State  from Kyauk Taw town through the Kaladan river. The junta authority has prepared to dock their ships at Tinma village near the river.


Those villagers witnessed heavy gun fighting between the junta forces and AA members in 2020. Around 20 villagers were arrested and they were taken to the army camp. Shockingly, they are still missing.


The reinforcement of junta forces is not limited to Kyauk Taw and Paletwa, but other townships like Rathedaung, Buthedaung, Maungdaw and Maebon as well.


A few weeks back, the military council fired shells on an AA camp at Laiza of KIA headquarters in Kachin State that killed one AA captain and a soldier. The incident also resulted in wounding 10 soldiers as stated by an AA statement.


Spokesperson U Khaing Thukha stated that if the Burmese army continues to target United League of Arakan/Arakan Army (ULA/AA) military bases, it may invite another round of gun fighting in Rakhine State.


Currently, both the parties are enjoying a ceasefire for almost a year. However the peaceful situation may turn worse if the military council adopt unethical activities.


On 4 July 2022, the junta forces used two jet fighters to bomb an AA base under the territory of Karen National Union (KNU). At least 6 AA members were killed and many wounded in the incident. After the incident, the tension mounted in Rakhine and finally a round of gun fighting took place between the junta forces and AA members.

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