Tuesday, September 17th 2024

Sittwe cycle-rickshaw drivers’ income thrive amidst fuel price rise

  • By: Web Master
  • | Date: 10 December 2023
  • | Viewer: 9.6k

The cycle-rickshaw drivers have said that their business is thriving due to the substantial increase in fuel prices in Sittwe township, the capital city of Rakhine State.


Before the conflict resumed in the Rakhine region, the cost of 92 RON gasoline was MMK 2,200 per litre in Sittwe locality. But after the conflict, prices surged to MMK 30,000 per litre as on 9 December.


Consequently, a decline is observed in the number of engine driven three-wheelers, auto rickshaws (locally known as tuk-tuk), and motorbike sidecar drivers across the city. With the rise in fuel prices, the fares have been increased and hence many people start using cycle-rickshaws.


"There is a significant increase in the number of cycle-rickshaw users. It can be said that relying on cycle-rickshaws lately becomes a good business now," said U Aung Kyaw Sein, a cycle-rickshaw driver.


Usually cycle-rickshaw drivers earn MMK 5,000 to 8,000 per day. But now they can earn from MMK 10,000 to 15,000 every day.


"As the cycle-rickshaw takes time to arrive at a destination, a few people hired the cycle-rickshaws. But now more people start preferring the cycle-rickshaws as it’s cheaper. If one hires a tuk-tuk, the minimum rent will be MMK 5,000. However, the cycle-rickshaw fare is still reasonable,” said U Aung San Thar, another cycle-rickshaw driver.


But because of the current increase in prices of essential commodities in Sittwe, the cycle-rickshaw drivers have to struggle to arrange two meals a day for their families, he added.


Earlier, most of the cycle-rickshaw riders used to carry goods from Sittwe Myoma market.


Since 13 November, when the gun fighting resumed in Rakhine State, the military council imposed blockades on both land and waterways across the region. This led to a situation of fuel shortages as the transportation of fuel is also restricted.


Latey, the number of bicycle users has also increased in various Rakhine townships inincluding Sittwe.

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