
Artillery shell explosion in Sittwe kills 5 Muslims, injures many children

March 10/ 2024 | View Counts :7939

An artillery shell, fired by the junta forces,exploded in a residential area under Sittwe township of Rakhine State onSaturday night and it resulted in killing of five  Muslims and injuring 10others with five children.


A female health worker in Sittwe general hospitalstated, "I've just returned from the hospital. Five people died instantlyand over ten including five children were injured. A couple died and theirchildren also sustained injuries. It's heartbreaking to witness andnarrate."


On 9 March at around 11 pm, the artillery shell wasdeliberately fired by the junta's police battalion that exploded in AungMingalar Muslim ward of  Sittwe.


A politician from Sittwe alleged that the  juntawas  sowing seeds of ethnic and religious discord in the Rakhine region.The junta forces have a strong presence in and around Sittwe. Many militarybases and naval ships are stationed in the river. The soldiers are responsiblefor the crime.


As the night time curfew is imposed in Sittwe, thecivilians refrain from going outside during the night hours. Three militaryvehicles recently entered the area where the artillery shell exploded. Theresidents informed that the deceased individuals were even taken away from thehospital by ambulances.


A female resident, while expressing serious concern,stated that the situation remains alarming in Sittwe. Many  civilians werekilled by the  junta’s artillery shelling on urban areas.


"I thought initially it was Kathea village wherethe artillery shell landed. It fell on Aung Mingalar near Kathea village. Theresidents are extremely worried over the situation,” she added.


Narinjara News attempted to contact Rakhine Statesecurity and border affairs minister colonel Kyaw Thura and Rakhine Statemilitary council spokesperson U Hla Thein regarding the incident, but they didnot answer the phone calls.


UNOCHA Myanmar released a statement on 4 Marchindicating that an artillery shell exploded near Korean port bazaar in Sittweat  8:10 am on 29 February, which killed 21 innocent civilians and injured 30 others.


The residents claimed that the shooting was adeliberate attack by the soldiers from  a naval vessel towards the crowdedbazaar.


With the military junta facing setbacks in the Rakhineregion,  it has spiralled attacks on civilians intensifying airstrikes andartillery shelling on homes, markets, schools, hospitals, and clinics in thetown areas. 

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