Thursday, September 19th 2024

Teenager killed, body concealed in Gwa township

The body of a teenager, who was killed and concealed by a raft fisherman in Gwa township of  Rakhine State, has been recovered.


Thirteen-year-old Maung Thar Pu, son of a raft owner  from Kin Pon village  was killed and later his body was concealed by Ko Zayar Oo, who came to work on the family’s raft.


The killer also stole a motorcycle and some money.


On the evening of 21 March, Maung Thar Pu went to Sat Twar village with Zayar Oo to buy utensils but did not return. His body was found later indicating that he was killed on the road. The killer concealed the body and ran away.


"The parents gave the boy Kyats 50,000 to buy clothes and utensils from  Sat Twar village. They went on a motorcycle but did  not return. Next morning his body was recovered,” said a social worker.

The body was discovered on the bank of a creek near Kan Thar Thar village at around 12 pm on 23 March. It was covered by tree leaves.


A cut was seen on his right hand resembling a knife injury in the video clipping.


Ko Zayar Oo  from Thway Kyauk village under Thandwe township asked for  a job on the victim’s father's raft. Unfortunately, the victim’s father hired him following his request.

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