Tuesday, September 17th 2024

4 people including 2 Muslim children killed in army firing

  • By: Web Master
  • | Date: 29 November 2023
  • | Viewer: 1.7k

Four people including two Muslim children were killed and at least 10 others were injured in an incident where the Burmese army personnel launched indiscriminate firing.


The victims include a 15-year-old girl from Mrauk U township, two 10-year-old Muslim children and an adult from Buthidaung township.


The army personnel opened fire with small arms in residential areas where Ma Cho Cho (15) from Pafetan village under Bung Dwet ward of Mrauk U was killed with bullet injuries.


The family members said that a bullet fired by the LIB (378) battalion hit the girl for two times when she was at home and Cho Cho died on the spot. Another person was injured in the incident.


Similarly, in Buthidaung locality Muslim children named Aru Ruller (8) and  Abdullah (10) along with Daw Beza (60) hailing from Warchila hamlet in Kun Dai village-tract were killed. Six others were injured when the soldiers fired with heavy weapons.


The injured individuals include Sami Yula (38),  Jo Haye (28)Muzi Sam (19)Mizan (30), Nuru Zamad etc.


The incident took place at around 5 pm on 27 November, when the Buthidaung-based LIB  564 and  565 shelled on several locations. One shell exploded in a vegetable garden near the village where three victims lost their lives.


"LIB 564 and 565 fired without any provocation. I heard three gunshots. One fell on the Muslim village. The injured six residents have been admitted to Buthidaung township hospital," said a family member.


It is observed that the military council army continues firing with heavy weapons into various residential areas in Rakhine State with no provocations. Many people have already left their places because of the tormenting situation.


Lately, in the early morning on 29 November, U Aung Naing Chet (38) from Pyin Hla village under Kyaukta township was shot by the junta forces.

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