Tuesday, September 17th 2024

BAJ to repair Ah Ngu Maw pier bridge in western Myanmar

  • By: Web Master
  • | Date: 20 October 2023
  • | Viewer: 8.2k

Ah Ngu Maw pier bridge, which was badly damaged by cyclone Mocha that hit Rakhine State five months back, is going to be repaired by Bridge Asia Japan (BAJ).


The bridge is located at Mayu peninsula of Rathedaung township but it faces traffic jams as residents from four townships namely  Rathedaung, Maungdaw, Buthidaung and Sitwe (capital city of Rakhine) use it daily.


Rathedaung township administration office recently restricted its use till 31 December as the repairing works were scheduled to begin on 23 October.


U Naing Lin Htet, the administrator of Rathedaung, revealed that BAJ, which originally built it with their money, will repair the bridge. The pier was built by BAJ in 2006.


We expect it will take about four months. We will insist on completing the job in four months. But I have no idea about the budget,” said the administrator.

 Even after cyclone Mocha damaged the bridge, the military council avoided the responsibility to repair it for five months.

The passengers faced a lot of difficulties as they had to depend on ferry services from Ah Ngu Maw pier to Sittwe’s Ray Chan Bying jetty.


Daw Shwe Aye Naing from Ah Ngu Maw village informed Narinjara News that they usually get down from the ferry boat and cross over the holes, which may collapse anytime.


It’s real danger for the passengers," she added.


Currently, as the wharf is being repaired, the township administration office directed the ferry boats to go up & down from another pier, which is used by the cargo ships.


U San Aye Kyaw, a boatman operating from the pier, informed that often the boats cannot reach the jetty and hence the passengers have to cross muddy areas. Thus they face difficulties and now they hope for better days after the repairing works.

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