Tuesday, September 17th 2024

Road closures by the Junta prevent pregnant women in Rakhine from accessing healthcare

  • By: Web Master
  • | Date: 29 December 2023
  • | Viewer: 1.5k

Due to the renewed conflicts in Rakhine State, the junta has restricted both land and waterways and it has created problems for the pregnant women as well as other ailing persons in accessing necessary healthcare services.


A pregnant woman, who sought refuge in a village from Dhamma Yone IDP camp of  Rathedaung township, expressed serious concern that she has not received vaccines because of closed roads to the clinic.


"How can I get the vaccine? As  the road remains closed, I can't move to reach the clinic. Now it's very difficult for me to even arrange a good meal," she explained.


A woman from the camp said that because of the closed roads all the pregnant women from Kyauk Ta Lone Muslim IDP camp in Kyaukphyu township are still deprived of necessary medical attention. In case of childbirth, they have to depend on local midwives.


"If a child is born, it's solely helped by a local midwife. Those who used to visit the clinic every  month, have now stopped doing so. There is no availability of medicines related to pregnancy complications. They are  allowed to go to Kyaukphyu hospital in case of a medical emergency," she added.


On 17 December, a pregnant woman from Aung Taing village under Sittwe Township, had to cross a checkpoint to reach the Sittwe public hospital. Suddenly the woman felt an emergency and she gave birth to a baby at home only.


"She was taken to Sittwe hospital at around 4 am. All the passengers were scrutinized at the checkpoint and it took time. Finally the woman could not reach the hospital on time,” she stated.


Another pregnant woman from Nget Chaung Muslim IDP camp emphasized that they should be allowed to move on time. Earlier, the representatives of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) used to offer treatment and even vaccinations every month. Now they have left because of the conflicts.


The gun fights between the Arakan Army (AA) members and  junta forces have continued in Rakhine State since 13 November and since then the  junta has blocked all the public routes.


During the night of 6 December, a 40-year-old pregnant woman, who left Nga Tauk Tu Chay village under Rathedaung township to take refuge at Doe Tan old village under Ponna Kyunt township, died before arriving in the hospital. She gave birth in the house where she was staying and faced serious medical complications.


Because of the roadblocks, the prices of essential commodities including the life saving medicines have increased in the Rakhine region, which has caused significant hardships to the general population, especially the pregnant women.

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