Friday, October 18th 2024

AA confirms complete control over Buthidaung

Narinjara News, 21 May 2024


The Arakha Army (AA) has  confirmed the complete control over Buthidaung township of Rakhine State following the capture of  20 battalions, including the headquarters of 15th military operations command (MOC-15), Buthidaung tactical operation command, number 8 border guard police battalion and number 3 border guard police battalion.


"Following the capture of all battalions stationed in Buthidaung township, we have successfully taken the town under our control,” said U Khaing Thu Kha, spokesman for the AA while talking to Narinjara News on 20 May.


After capturing the military battalions in Buthidaung, the AA fighters fully overpowered the junta soldiers and Muslim armed groups.


Buthidaung was the home to a large number of junta battalions in Rakhine State and it had the highest deployment of junta soldiers along with arms.


The AA fighters seized control over the 552nd light infantry battalion in the east of Buthidaung on 25 March, followed by 564th light infantry battalion on 5 April, 565th light infantry battalion on 24 April, 15th military operations command   headquarters on 2 May and 551st light infantry battalion on 3 May.


They also launched another offensive against the remaining battalions and successfully captured the number 3 border guard police battalion on 13 May, 353rd light infantry battalion, 535th light infantry battalion, 263rd infantry battalion and 233rd infantry battalion on 14 May, Buthidaung tactical operation command on 18 May and 378th artillery battalion, 234th light infantry battalion, 345th light infantry battalion, 352nd light infantry battalion, artillery battalion, supply battalion and garrison engineer battalion subsequently.


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