
AA captures Mel Taung tactical operation command in Ann

October 09/ 2024 | View Counts :1741

Narinjara News, 9 October 2024


The Arakan Army (AA) announced on 7 October  thattheir fighters captured the Mel Taung tactical operation command, one of thelast remaining bases located outside of Ann town of Arakan State, along with all surrounding small military camps at 3:50pm.


The said operation command is situated roughly 14kilometers away from the western command in Ann district town.


“The  362nd, 365th and 369th light infantrybattalions from the military operations command (MOC-10) based in Kale, Mawlaikand Homalin under the Sagaing region along with battalions from the westerncommand and the 346th, 372nd and 373rd light infantry battalions under MOC-5 gathered at the Mel Taung tactical operation command to operate in theareas surrounding Mel Taung and the western command,” said the AA statement.


It  further stated that the said tacticaloperation command and its surrounding hill-based camps were under siege by theAA fighters for an extended period. During the offensive to capture thecommand, the AA fighters seized weapons and military equipment from the juntaforces.


Positions of the Mel Taung tactical operation commandwere captured  by the AA fighters following the onset of skirmishes thatbegan at 11:50 am on 26 September, which is approximately 400 meters west ofKyauk Sa Kwe village under Ann township.


The AA also asserted that the ‘fascist &terrorist’ military junta, having faced military defeats, is now attackingcivilians with airstrikes and committing war crimes and crimes againsthumanity.

Photo: AA seized weapons and military equipment from Mel Taung tactical operation command.

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