Friday, October 18th 2024

AA ask some Kyauk Taw villagers to dig a bomb pit within a week

  • By: Web Master
  • | Date: 15 September 2023
  • | Viewer: 8.7k

The Arakan Army (AA) has instructed the local residents of Kyauk Taw township to dig a bomb pit for shelter within a week.

The concerned  village administrators of Chaung Tuu, Wyet Ma Nyoo Taung,  Kha Maung Taw, Mi Yet Byint, Pan Pe Chaung, War Daung, Kan Sout, Own Padi, Lan Pike Kwan and Than Byint were issued necessary instructions.

On 13  September, the village administrators of Kyauk Taw township were asked to proceed for the work and complete within seven days.

"The villagers were asked to dig bomb pits in their villages. The AA’s village governors have  informed every family. If it is not done within a week, they have to face fines. I don't know what kind of fine they will impose,” said a resident.

The AA invited all the village administrators under  Kyauk Taw locality  to its  regional offices and directed  them to dig the bomb shelters.

"If the gun fighting resumes, the 539th army based in Kyauk Taw township will fire heavy-shells to the villages. Local residents have experienced it in the past,” said another  local resident.

Currently the villages, which  have received the direction to dig bomb pits, have started doing so  under their houses, which they think will be safe.

Recently, it’s observed that the battalion number 539, battalion LIB 376 and  sakakha 9 army have been checking local people and traffic in Kyauk Taw township in a strict manner.

A political analyst said that as the junta forces continue to do so, the situation in Rakhine State will deteriorate  and hence there is a possibility of gun fighting between the junta forces and AA members.

Spokesman U Khaing Thukha was contacted for reactions about the digging of  bomb pits, but no response was found from the AA.

In November 2022, the military council and AA  reached an understanding and since then an informal ceasefire is in place, but that may be broken soon.

The junta forces are violating various  ceasefire guidelines and they are conducting strict checking,  inspecting and even controlling transportation of goods in the Rakhine region. Moreover, the drone reconnaissance of various  locations for AA bases and junta soldiers’ entry to different villages to inquire about AA hideouts have already irked the armed group.

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