Tuesday, September 17th 2024

Government and Northern Alliance agree to 7 points in ceasefire talks but yet to be signed

  • By: Web Master
  • | Date: 18 September 2019
  • | Viewer: 1.9k

Narinjara, 18 September 2019

Myanmar government’s National Reconciliation and Peace Centre (NRPC) and Northern Alliance comprising KIO/KIA, MNTJP/MNDAA, PSLF/TNLA, and ULA/AA have consented to seven points agreement in the ceasefire talks held in Kengtong of Shan State but no signing has been made till now as the four alliance members have no mandate for the same.

Director-General of State Counselor’s office  U Zaw Htay, who had participated in the talks yesterday, informed about the agreement in a press conference organized at Kengtong soon after the formal peace talks concluded.

“On principle, both sides have agreed to sign the seven points agreement including the bilateral ceasefire. Moreover, sustained discussions to end the current armed conflicts and tackle the issue of internal displacement of people were also emphasized,” he added.

Besides, they have agreed to hold talks again with the Myanmar Army over designating ceasefire rules to be followed by both sides. They also agreed to establish communication offices so that further clashes could be avoided. Moreover, building mutual trust for an acceptable dialogue for both sides was also encouraged. Both sides are scheduled to meet again next month.

Answering queries from scribes, U Zaw Htay declared that the the government was ready to sign the bilateral agreement with four northern armed groups.

During the peace talks, Tatmadaw representatives favoured for individual discussions with northern armed groups but that was not materialized. U Zaw Htay also informed that Tatmadaw representatives were interested to talk with AA and TNLA members for an effective outcome.

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