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Transportation of rice, fuel, etc from Rakhine to Chin state prohibited

  • By: Web Master
  • | Date: 24 February 2022
  • | Viewer: 3.6k

Narinjara News, 24 February 2022

The concerned authority has prohibited transportation of rice, fuel, cement and iron by the government ships plying over Kaladan river from Kyauktaw in Rakhine State to Paletwa in Chin State,  said locals.

A  Paletwa resident, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, claimed that the ban indirectly increased prices of various commodities in Paletwa, which may deteriorate in the days to come.

Rice  and fuel items are strictly prohibited for transportation. It would have been good, if the goods (rice and fuel) were allowed for transportation between Kyauktaw and Paletwa by the ferry-ships.

The resident also added that because of the ban commodity prices are going high in Paletwa.

Currently the Chin State is witnessing a heavy gunfighting between the security forces and the members belonging to People's Defence Force.

So the transportation across the State becomes  difficult at this moment.

As the Kyauktaw -Paletwa waterway is the only viable traffic for the residents, it should have been spared by the authorities.

Presently, a litre of petrol in Paletwa is priced at Kyat 2,500, a bag of  Pawsan Mwe brand rice is priced at Kyat  50,000 and the price of a cement bag may go up Kyat 20,000. The prices of commodities in Paletwa become three-time higher than those at Kyauktaw.

Rakhine State road transport minister Thet Lwin informed that the rice transportation would be permitted only with the permission of Rakhine State security and border affairs minister.

"The permission has to be granted from the proper ministry. One has to explain why transportation is necessary. Otherwise it will not be permitted,” said the road transport minister.

At present, one of the government vessels, which sails from Kyauktaw to Paletwa, is under repair and the other one is running on Monday only.

The fighting between the Arakan Army members and the military personnel during 2018 to 2020 affected the land and waterway movements. The local people are still suffering while moving from one place to another. The waterway was opened on 24 December 2021 and it is maintained by the inland water cooperation department under the government.

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