Friday, September 20th 2024

Number of displaced individuals in Rakhine increases by 150,000, they need food and warm clothing urgently

  • By: Web Master
  • | Date: 19 December 2023
  • | Viewer: 3.3k

Due to the current conflict in Rakhine State, nearly 150,000 displaced individuals have been facing livelihood difficulties due to the lack of aid. There is an urgent need for food items and blankets & other warm clothes for the refugees to face the winter cold.

Around 60,000 displaced individuals were not returning  home and now they  are joined by an additional 150,000 individuals due to the fighting that started on 13 November.


A young man assisting the displaced individuals informed Narinjara News that no less than  150,000 individuals were displaced by the recent gun  fighting. Now the total number of displaced individuals has gone up to  200,000, he added.

He also highlighted the difficulties the refugees are facing in the camps, because of a lesser number of supporting organizations.


The refugees are facing severe problems as there is no aid from outside. Moreover the prices of essential commodities have gone up almost ten times.


A displaced woman from Ponna Kyunt township's Taw Phyar Chaung area informed that the arrival of winter days has created more troubles for the displaced families. They need warm clothes urgently.


“We are waiting for support from outside organisations. The soaring prices of goods have pushed us to almost a famine-like situation. We appeal for assistance from those who can afford,” she added.


Following the military coup on 1 February in 2021, the military council stopped  providing aid to the displaced individuals. They have even imposed restrictions over the access of international organizations.


Another woman resident claimed that because of the restrictions, no social organization dares to come and support the refugees.


"The roads are closed, and even waterways are restricted. Meanwhile, arrests and imprisonments are going on. Providing assistance has become very difficult. Members of different organizations and even civilians have been arrested relentlessly by the junta soldiers," added the woman.


Displaced individuals from Pauktaw, Minbya, Ponna Kyunt, Mrauk-U, Rathedaung, Ann, Buthidaung, Maungdaw townships of Rakhine State and  Paletwa township of Chin State, who fled during the current conflicts, are currently taking refuge in their relatives’ houses. Many have arrived in monasteries situated in rural and urban areas for taking shelter.

Photo:Arakan Responders for Emergency

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