Friday, September 20th 2024

Cyclone reliefs remain suspended in Rakhine two months after Cyclone Mocha: UNOCHA

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) issued a press release again on July 19 that Cyclone relief remain suspended in Rakhine two months after Cyclone Mocha.

In Rakhine, while regular programmes have restarted, cyclone relief efforts remain suspended two months after Cyclone Mocha, say in the news release.

The humanitarian organizations continues to advocate for expanded access to cyclone-affected people and has re-submitted the previously-approved distribution and transportation plans to the State Administration Council for reactivation.

The statement said, "Despite the resumption of normal projects in Rakhine State, the permission to carry out cyclone relief work is still suspended 2 months after the storm."

The permission of international groups to travel and assist in Arakan was suspended without any reason since June 7, signed by the Rakhine State’s Minister of Security and Border Affairs, Colonel Kyaw Thura.

The international community and civic organizations have criticized the sudden suspension, saying that the storm in Rakhine could have a lot of impact on the people of Rakhine and could also decrease confidence in the government.

After that, on June 11, the Rakhine State Military Council reallowed some social organizations and charities to supply reliefs, but many international organizations are still banned.

UNOCHA's statement yesterday also stated that humanitarian partners are continuing to appeal to extend assistance to the storm-affected communities to the military council to re-permit the relief distribution and transportation plan.

On May 14, Cyclone Mocha hit Rakhine state, killing nearly 150 people and destroying hundreds of thousands of homes and buildings. Irrigation dams were breached and salt water entered the paddy fields and killed many cattles and buffalo, tens of thousands of Domestic animals also died.

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