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Over 500 refugees sent back by the military council without clearing landmines

Over 500 refugees sent back by the military council without clearing landmines

Narinjara News, 3 March 2023

At least 532 refugees from Yephyukan IDP camp in Ponna Kyunt township of Rakhine State were forcibly sent back to their villages this morning.

Rakhine Prime Minister and his team promised to clear the landmines near their villages before repatriation, but those areas are yet be cleared of landmines.

"During the battle (between junta forces and Arakan Army members) in our area, we heard about many casualties in various forest areas because of landmine explosions, which were planted by the military personnel. We were now afraid of such blasts but we have been forced to leave the camp,” said a refugee.

Junta authorities provided Kyats 600,000 per household and one month’s rice grains to the camp which gave shelter to 140 families.

The people taking shelter in the IDP camp did not receive monthly support and the committed volume of rice grains had not been received for a long time. Thus they were facing food scarcity too.

An responsible official informed that many of them used to work outside the camp but now they have been compelled to return due to the food crisis.

"Till now, there is no initiative to clear landmines in rural areas. Moreover the damaged houses have not been rebuilt. We were reluctant to return home immediately, but  the authorities had forced us to do so” said a refugee.

The military council escorted the refugees while returning back to their villages in private cars.

Rakhine State chief minister U Htin Lin and his officials visited theYephyukan IDP camp on 3 March where the refugees raised the issue of landmines.

The chief minister  promised to clear the mines, but did not mention when it would be done.

The refugees also claimed that Kyats 6,000,000, offered by the military council, was not enough for rebuilding their damaged houses.

The refugees have left for their villages including Tha Si, Kyauk Sike, Panae Taw and Dodan under Ponna Kyunt township and also Namadar village under Paletwa township of Chin State.

Days back, Rakhine State stability and development coordination committee chairman lieutenant general Tun Tun Naung, Union social welfare relief and resettlement minister Daw Thant Khaing and Rakhine CM Htin Lin visited several camps in Kyauk Taw, Mrauk U and Minbya
townships and urged the refugees to return home before the rainy days begin.


Later in February, some refugees in Minbya Township were forced to return home without clearing the landmines in their localities.

Photo caption- Brahmin Island war refugees returning home on 3 March


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