Friday, September 20th 2024

Strong wind surfaces in Rakhine, damages IDP camps

Mya Htwe Shin, Narinjara News, 21 April 2022

Due to a sudden strong wind, over 300 houses inside IDP camps in the townships of Minbya, Kyauk Taw and Mrauk  Usome of  Arakan State, were damaged.

The strong wind with 70 miles per hour speed also touched Sittwe, Kyauk Taw, Ponna Kyunt, etc localities on Wednesday afternoon.

A large number of refugees in Rakhine State now become homeless and they are in need of urgent assistance.

Ma Htay Htay Lwin from the Nyaungchaung refugee camp informed that most of the houses have collapsed. The wind accompanied with rains and now all the houses become unhealthy for living.

The strong wind lasted for about 30 minutes, but it was with a high intensity and hence the houses inside refugee camps collapsed, he added.

Ko Naing Win Tun from the Wadaung refugee camp informed Narinjara News that about 80 houses inside Wadaung refugee camp in Kyauktaw township were damaged by the wind.

"The wind destroyed all of our houses. We have evacuated all the refugees. They have no place to live now. The roofs of nearly 80 houses were damaged,” he added.

The in-charge official of  Sin Baw Gain IDP camp in Mrauk-U township said that the houses inside the refugee camps were not strong enough and hence got damaged.

We are compiling a list of the damaged houses. Almost  two-thirds of the houses were damaged. The tents are also destroyed by the wind, he added.

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