Sunday, September 15th 2024

Power cuts in Rakhine, nearly 10 hours a day, make life miserable

Narinjara News, 5 March 2022

As the power cut lasts for about 10 hours every day in Rakhine State of western Myanmar, the public life and living become miserable.

After the  military coup, the power interruption in Rakhine lasted for three hours a day but now it has increased up to 10 hours every day.

The prolonged power shortage has severely affected the businesses community as well as the education and health sector.

The phone shops, computer shops, copy shops and health clinics in Sittwe are fully affected by the power cuts. It turned out to be a difficult task to run business establishments, commented a local businessman.

Ma Htay Htay Lwin, a 10th standard student in Sittwe, informed Narinjara News that they are preparing for the university entrance examination with  candles at night hours.

“As there was no electricity, I had to study for long hours by candlelight. Now my eyes are aching. It is also difficult to practise writing in low light. We desperately need a regular supply of electricity,” said the student.

An elderly female resident of  Sittwe also said, “It is very difficult to work at home with no electricity. Often the light goes as  I start preparing food items. So the timing of breakfast or dinner gets delayed.”

Moreover, the prices of gasoline and diesel are also increasing. Various businesses establishments use generators for their own supply of electricity, but it makes the running expenditure high.

Kyaukphyu is an oil and gas rich city of  Rakhine. The crisis of electricity touches it also. The Rakhine people should have access to flawless electricity, said Ko Tun Tun Naing, a Kyaukphyu resident.

"Kyaukphyu residents are facing a negative impact of the gas reserve. Most of the locals have lost their land ownership. They should be provided electricity without interruption as public benefits,” he added.

Sixteen townships, except Man Aung-which is located in an island of Rakhine sea, were getting 24-hour electricity supply from the grid since last year. But soon after the military coup in February 2021, the supply started getting erratic.


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