Thursday, July 4th 2024

Man kills self facing livelihood difficulties

  • By: Web Master
  • | Date: 22 October 2023
  • | Viewer: 2.2k

 A man hailing from Ponna Kyunt township of Rakhine State killed himself drinking herbicide (weedkiller) as he faced tremendous difficulties in living.


The deceased has been identified as U Nga Ni Aung (58) who resided in Pannilar village.


On 21 October, his body was found in the village cemetery.


A local villager informed that they found him dead at around 10 am. He was buried at noon.


"He might have consumed herbicide at the cemetery during night hours. He used to drink alcohol regularly,” he added.


Once a resource-rish Rakhine State now turns into a poor one, where the residents have little options for employment and other economic activities. 


The Rakhine natural gas has been exploited by the successive central governments, but the residents remain poor. A number of Rakhine people commit suicides every year due to economic hardships.

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