
CYLA blocks import route from India to Arakan causing hardship to traders

June 29/ 2024 | View Counts :4442

 Hnin Nwe Ni, Narinjara News, 29 June 2024

Central Young Lai Association (CYLA)has closed the main road used for importing food products from Mizoram (India)to Arakan State since Monday leaving the traders stranded and facing a lot ofhardships.


"From12 pm on 24 June, it became impossible to travel from Lawngtlai to Te Twin asthe CYLA closed the road. We loaded our cars full of goods and made allarrangements to go to Arakan, but we couldn't proceed. Now, we are stranded inLawngtlai with our goods. If the road remains closed for more days, we willface a major loss," said an affected trader.


Thetraders, who came to buy goods in Lawngtlai locality  of Mizoram, arefacing difficulties as they have been prevented from  transporting thegoods to Arakan after purchasing.

Since 13 November last year, themilitary junta blocked all land and waterways in Arakan State disrupting theflow of goods and causing severe food and fuel shortages.

Later, Arakanese traders begantravelling through Kyauktaw town to Mizoram to purchase major food items likepeanut oil, mustard oil, onion, garlic, consumer goods, fuel, medicine, etc andimport to Arakan localities.


A residentinformed that people in the Arakha Army (AA) controlled  townships stillfind their livelihoods comfortable as these supplies are regularly coming.


"Wehad a comfortable livelihood because of the goods coming in from that side. Butit may be difficult if we don't receive goods from India. Due to the roadblockade, the gasoline price is increasing,” said a female resident of Mrauk-U.

The CYLA  issued a statementannouncing that  the main road used for importing food products fromMizoram to Arakan was closed on 24 June.


In thestatement, the association argued that initially they believed the importedfood items were meant for the Arakanese people. However, it came to theirnotice that the AA was focusing on bolstering its presence in those areas wherethe AA fighters engaged in conflicts with the Chin people.


The CYLArepeatedly warned them to stop fighting with the Chin Brotherhood Alliance, butthey refused to comply with and hence  the association  blocked thefood supply route to Arakan.


Meanwhile,Mara Thyutlia Py (MTP) issued a protest letter regarding the blockade of goodsby the CYLA.

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