Tuesday, July 2nd 2024

Rakhine social activist faces repeated postponement of trials

  • By: Web Master
  • | Date: 25 October 2023
  • | Viewer: 2.4k

 Repeated postponements of trial dates for  U Zaw Win, a social activist charged under section 505-A, is understood as personal hatred against him, said a Rakhine human rights activist.

Hailing from  Kyauk Taw, Zaw Win is facing troubles without a specific order from the court.

According to his family, Zaw Win had had to appear in the  trial court for 17 times after the necessary  investigations were completed.
"It's not going through the legal process, rather it's a personal attack on Zaw Win, who always speaks about true Rakhine issues under the military rulers. The junta authorities hate him and they are targeting him personally. It’s illegal and dirty," added the rights activist.

Lately,  Zaw Win was produced at  Kyauk Taw  township court at about 10:30 am on 24 October, there was no judge present to decide his fate. Next trial is scheduled for 7 November.

The rights activist asserted that delaying a trial repeatedly without issuing any order is unjustified and it’s a clear violation of human rights.
"I just want to say that the military  court has taken actions against him on a personal basis. It seems, the law is not equal and fair for every citizen.  The  judges should not impose punishment as they wish (without following the rules),” he added.
Many people have been arrested by the junta officials without any evidence. Those are simply  arbitrary arrests, the right activist exclaimed.

Mentionable is that Zaw Win was arrested on  21 June 2022  with the suspicion of being associated with the Arakan Army (AA).
Along with him, two tobacco company employees ( Ko Zaw Moe Htet and U Kyaw Than Maung) and an Indian tricycle driver were arrested from  Kyauk Taw locality. All of them were charged under section 505-A.
After the trials, both Zaw Moe Htet and Kyaw Than Maung were sentenced to hard labour with two  years of imprisonment on 15 September. But no such punishment is ordered for Zaw Win.


One of his family members expresses hope that he would be released with no punishment, probably on the next full moon day (with junta’s amnesty).

The  section 505-A is applicable to someone who spreads  rumours causing fear & panic among the public and directly or indirectly incite  criminal activities. It may invite three years of imprisonment with a penalty. There are hundreds of Rakhine people who have been facing section 505-A with the allegation of  AA associations.

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