Saturday, July 6th 2024

4 Ponna Kyunt ward administrators resign for ‘poor health’

  • By: Web Master
  • | Date: 02 October 2023
  • | Viewer: 2.3k

Four administrators of 4 wards in the town of Ponna Kyunt, 16 miles north of Rakhine State’s capital Sittwe, have submitted their resignations to the township general administrators.

The ward administrators from San Pya, Myo Thit, Alay Su and Wra Huong Su cited the reason of poor health for their resignations.

They submitted their resignations on 29 September, said a concerned ward administrator.

"We have submitted a letter to the administration. I am not keeping good health. I'm too old now. So I prefer to avoid responsibilities," he added.

The concerned township authority takes the decision to accept the resignation letter, but they asserted that they will no longer work as administrators.

Narinjara News tried to contact the township administrator for further details, but failed.

The military council and Arakan Army (AA) have been fighting silently for political power in Rakhine State. In fact, the village & ward administrators are stuck in the middle of two armed sides. Most of the administrators now want to resign.

There are 96 administrators of village groups under Ponna Kyunt township. Among them over 70 village administrators have already resigned on 15 November 2022.

Similarly, on 16 December 2022, 20 other village administrators from Rathedaung township and two from Maungdaw township had resigned from their duties. They alleged that there was no security for them amid the renewed military tension between the junta soldiers and AA members.

In 2019, the soldiers and AA members fought fiercely in Rakhine State. During the month of June, 50 village administrators from Kyauk Taw township tendered resignation after the army arrested one village manager and two administrators from Shwe Pye village. During the period, the army and AA members fought fiercely in Rakhine State.

On 28 February, over 100 village administrators from Mrauk  U township also submitted their resignations.

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