Sunday, September 8th 2024

Collaborating with AA, YDF achieves battlefield success in Rakhine State

The Yaw Defense Force (YDF) has been collaborating with the Arakan Army (AA) in Rakhine State and achieved success in battlefields against the military junta forces.


"With the collaboration of AA fighters, the YDF has successfully captured the junta's 374th light infantry battalion, 375th light infantry battalion, 376th light infantry battalion and 9th military operations command (MOC-9) based in Kyauktaw township of Rakhine during January 2024," stated a statement issued on Tuesday.


The AA captured the junta's battalions based in Kyauktaw during January with the participation of YDF members in the battle field.

YDF, in the 12 January statement revealed that in the second week of December 2023, they  along with allies gained military experience and actively participated in the offensive against the Taung Shay Taung tactical operation command in Kyauktaw locality.


The statement also conveyed the YDF's gratitude to the AA for enabling them to acquire significant military experience through their collaboration.


The battle to capture the Taung Shay Taung tactical operation command lasted for three weeks. On 6 January 2024, the AA completely captured the camp where the YDF actively participated until the entire command base was neutralised.

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