Friday, October 18th 2024

Junta forces detain 64 more Muslim youths from Buthidaung

  • By: Web Master
  • | Date: 27 February 2024
  • | Viewer: 2.1k

The junta forces detained 64 more Muslim youths from Buthidaung township of Rakhine State for compulsory military enrolment, said local residents.


On 23 February at around 7:30 pm, the junta forces forcibly detained 12 individuals from Oh Thel Ma Muslim village, two from Myaung Nar Muslim village, 30 from Ah Lel Chaung Muslim village and 20 from Ka Kya Bat Muslim village. They were subsequently transported to Buthidaung tactical command base by 9:30 pm.


"The soldiers came in three vehicles during the morning hours. After a day of surveillance, they carried out forced arrests. We are not happy at all, but we have no choice," said a resident.


The junta soldiers from Buthidaung tactical command base came by three vehicles. Around  20 soldiers were stationed near Zaw Baw Muslim village, another 20 near Buthidaung golf course and 20 others near the religious school.


On 19 and 20 February, the  soldiers from the 353rd, 535th, 352nd and 345th light infantry battalions, operating under the 15 military operations command (MOC-15), detained 33 individuals from Nga Kyaing Tauk Muslim village, 55 from Tat Ma Chaung Muslim village, 13 from Pu Zun Chaung Muslim village, 40 from Let Wae Tat Ywar Thit and Let Wae Tat Ywar Haung villages and 10 from Kyaukphyu Taung village.


According to a military source, the villagers have been  training in the 352nd, 353rd and 345th battalions since 20 February.


Many youths have fled from their places in fear of detention.


A Muslim village elder alleged that the junta forces after facing defeats in many battles started abducting Muslims to enrol in the military services. It’s a violation of human rights and evil intention to incite misunderstanding between the Buddhist Rakhine and Muslim residents.


"We want to live in peace. The soldiers are now arresting both youths and senior people and putting them in front of Rakhine residents,” he added.


On 9 February at number 5 border guard police battalion in Myo Thu Gyi village under Maungdaw township, division commander Thurein Tun and district administrator Nay Oo held a meeting with Mawlawi (Muslim religious scholars) and advised them to  cooperate with the military junta.


They also offered to supply arms to Muslims so that they could fight against the Rakhine people, which was rejected. The Muslims believe that the junta forces start abducting their youths to compel them to join the military service.


The junta also obtained a list of internally displaced persons (precisely males aged 18 to 55)  from Kyauk Ta Lone Muslim camp in Kyaukphyu township and forcefully enrolled 150 individuals into the military service.

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