Sunday, September 29th 2024

PMSAB and Moe Gyoe Guerrilla Force declares as standing with ULA/AA

Aye Myat Khaing

Narinjara News, 23 May 2024

The People's Militia Strategy Advisory Bureau (PMSAB) and Moe Gyoe Guerrilla Force have issued a statement revealing that they stand with the United League of Arakan/Arakha Army (ULA/AA) concerning the situation in Rakhine State.

The statement mentioned that forming reviews and making statements based on biased and unfounded information, without thoroughly investigating the actual situation on the ground, could yield incorrect conclusions.


Additionally, the statement affirmed their commitment to stand and fight alongside the AA in their struggle against the military dictatorship and for the establishment of a new federal democracy in Myanmar.

PMSAB and Moe Gyoe Guerrilla Force have been collaborating with ethnic allies, overground and underground revolutionary organizations, etc in their efforts to end the military dictatorship and establish a genuine federal democratic regime.


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