Sunday, September 8th 2024

Junta forces kill 40 Arakanese in Sittwe

Eain Phyu Soe

Narinjara News, 1 June 2024


At least 40 Arakanese people are suspected to be killed by the junta forces during a raid in Byine Phyu village at the outskirt of Arakan (Rakhine) capital Sittwe, formerly known as Akyab, said several villagers who witnessed the horrible incident.


The victims have been identified as  U Kyaw San U, U Kyaw Thein, U Kular Aung, U Pho Than Sein, U Chabu Kaung, U Bauk Thar, U Ko Mo Maung (30 years old), U Khin Maung Aye (36),  U Maung Than (29),  U Kyaw Naing (42),  Ko Maug Chi (22), Ko Rahy Kyaw (21),  U Aung Naing Htay (31), U Zaw Min Tun (40),  U Mang Hla U (40), U Thar Cahy (30), U Munint Chay (36),  Ko Muang San (26),  U Maung Hla Yay (30), Ko Maung Htwee (22), U Maung Lon Chay (40),  U Kyaw Naing (40),  U Maung Thein (50),  U Maung San Thar (60),  U Kyan Thar Tun (70),  Ko Maung Bu Maung (18),  U Than Htay Mg (40),  U Far Chay (50), U Ko Ko Aung (36), Ko Aung Thu Chay (29), Maung Phyo Phyo Naing (15), U Zaw Tun Naing (35), etc


The junta soldiers detained the villagers and asked them to remove their shirts. Then they targeted the youths with tattoos relating to Arakanese text & symbols.


"The men were asked to show their bodies and then killed those having tattoos of Arakan Army symbol, Arakan national flag, other Arakanese texts, etc," said an elderly villager.


The residents stated that apprehending an imminent offensive by the AA fighters on Sittwe, the  junta forces conducted the raid on the outskirts.


"We've heard that popular singer U Kyaw Hla and his son Ko Duwun Khaing were also killed.  Most of the houses in  Byine Phyu village were set ablaze. Other villages namely Kyay Taw Paik Seik and Ma Laung also witnessed the destruction,” added the elderly person.


The junta soldiers entered Byine Phyu village on 29 May and committed war crimes against the villagers. On 31 May, they ordered everyone to leave the village. Then they set the village on fire.


A political activist from Sittwe informed Narinjara News that the soldiers set the village on fire at around 6 pm. He estimated that 30 people were killed.


Narinjara News tried to contact the residents of Byine Phyu village but failed as their phones were switched off. So the information about fatalities cannot be confrmed independently.


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