Tuesday, September 17th 2024

Junta forces demand one car every day from Maebon motorists for patrolling

  • By: Web Master
  • | Date: 05 October 2023
  • | Viewer: 4.8k

The junta forces are reportedly abusing the motorists of  Maebon township asking to give them a car every day for their patrolling but offering no payment.

"One car was has been forced to place standby by the army personnel at the gate near to the port. The car is used for once a day. The junta forces insist on a care to standby for the army patrol. The car owners are scared of the security personnel and hence leave a car at the gate every day,” said a local car owner.

He added that the army officials have been using their cars without any payment in Maebon locality since September.

Another motorist informed that the drivers can not defy the junta’s order and hence they are following it.

“Everyone needs to work for survival. If you don't drive for a day, you will lose your earning. Some drivers are even renting their cars for a daily earning," he said.

The car owners have to full the vehicle’s oil tanks. The soldiers drive themselves and normally use any professional driver for the purpose.

The junta soldiers are creating troubles for the car owners as they are now deprived of their daily earnings. They demand the higher army authorities to investigate the matter and take necessary actions.

Rakhine State’s security & border affairs minister colonel Kyaw Thura was contacted by Narinjara News, but failed to get any updates.

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