Friday, September 20th 2024

Displaced people in Rakhine, Chin increase to 166,000: UNOCHA

 The number of displaced people across Myanmar has reached nearly 2.9 million, whereas the  displaced individuals in Rakhine State along with Paletwa township of Chin State increases to 166,000 people since the conflict started in November last year, said a report released by the  United Nations High Commissioner for Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA).


It stated under the Myanmar humanitarian situation report that nearly 2.6 million people were displaced nationwide due to the conflict and insecurity since the military takeover on 1 February 2021 and the number has now risen to nearly 2.9 million.


"In Rakhine, the situation has worsened in Buthidaung township with increasing violence and fears over inter-communal tension.  On 15 April, an international NGO office and a pharmacy were burnt down in an arson attack. The day before, approximately 50 houses were set on fire in Buthidaung. The number of people displaced in Rakhine and Paletwa townships (since the conflict reignited last November) has increased to 166,000 people," reported the UNOCHA.


In the southeast region, the conflict between the junta forces and various armed groups continues. With an escalation in fighting between the junta soldiers and joint forces led by the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) in Karen, the  armed clashes have intensified in Hpapun and Myawaddy townships, stated the UNOCHA  report.

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