Friday, September 20th 2024

AA plans to resettle IDPs in Paletwa after landmine clearance

 The landmine clearing operations are underway in the Paletwa region, which was recently captured by the Arakan Army (AA) for ensuring safety to the people travelling and working in the locality.


A displaced person from Paletwa mentioned that the AA fighters had  conveyed their intention to call back residents to Paletwa township once they finish the clearing operations for  landmines.


"Paletwa is currently peaceful, with no bombing. However, the IDPs have not been called back. The AA is clearing landmines in all areas. Following its completion, the AA expressed their willingness to bring back the residents of Paletwa safely,”  he added.


A large number of Paletwa residents were displaced and they are living as IDPs since the clashes between the AA and junta forces began in 2018 and later resumed in 2019.


A displaced woman conveyed her happiness regarding the AA’s success to capture Paletwa. Having faced difficulties during her prolonged stay in IDP camps, she now hopes for a prompt return to her places.


"Livelihood is incredibly difficult in the IDP camps. Despite the difficulties, returning to our village remains impossible, so we persist in living under these circumstances. The news of Paletwa's capture by the AA brought me immense joy. I like to return to my village, where we can work and live freely. We thank the AA very much," she added


The junta forces put landmines in the mountains surrounding their camps and the villages.

So there is still landmine risk in various areas.


In the Paletwa region, the AA stated that in pursuit of enhancing the security of people's lives, homes, and belongings, their fighters are actively chasing and attacking junta soldiers who lost the battle and were trying to escape.


The AA initiated operations in the Paletwa region on 13 November and within 62 days the entire region was declared a junta-free zone.

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