Saturday, September 21st 2024

AA administration ensures harmony, friendship and coexistence between Rakhine and Muslims in Rakhine townships

Aung Kywe Nyein, Narinjara News, 10 May 2024


The United League of Arakan/Arakha Army (ULA/AA) ensures harmony, friendship and coexistence between the Rakhine and Muslim communities in the Rakhine townships under their administrative control.


In various Rakhine Townships, the Muslims encountered restrictions on business and travel in earlier days. Moreover, they faced discrimination in healthcare and education facilities.


After the AA started controlling over the townships like Paletwa, Kyauktaw, Mrauk-U, Ponnagyun, Ramree, Pauktaw, Rathedaung, Minbya, Myebon, etc, the Muslim residents regained their liberty for business and other activities.


"In the AA controlled townships, the Muslims can now move more freely. During the military junta's rule, we faced restrictions in entering the township. Even we faced problems accessing medical facilities. Now, the situation has improved,” said a Muslim resident.


Now the Muslims are moving freely and doing marketing in shops and other public places.

Furthermore, there is a collaborative effort between Rakhine and Muslims in developing trades and other financial activities.


Since 2012, the Muslims faced various  restrictions in accessing health, education, business, social engagements, etc. The situation gradually improved after the AA fighters captured many Rakhine townships.


“Now there is harmony between Rakhine and Muslims in every aspect. However, in townships still under military rule, the situation remains the same. Rather some Muslims are compelled to engage in disruptive activities like torching Rakhine houses,” said a Rakhine resident.


In the townships like Sittwe, Buthidaung, Maungdaw which are still under military rule, the junta soldiers are providing arms training to  Muslim youths. There are more incidents of burning houses belonging to Rakhine families and instances of killing innocent people belonging to various ethnic communities.


The Rakhine people restrained themselves from retaliation as the ULA/AA appealed to them to maintain peace and harmony.


On the contrary, the junta forces are initiating actions to escalate ethnic conflicts between Rakhine and Muslims.


Daw Ma Aye Chay, whose house was torched, stated that it was painful to see their houses burnt down. While the AA asked people to avoid clashes, the junta soldiers are  trying to create tension between the two major communities, which is very unfortunate.

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