Saturday, September 21st 2024

Junta distributes propaganda posters in Thandwe preempting AA offensive

  • By: Web Master
  • | Date: 13 December 2023
  • | Viewer: 4.1k

 The military council has been distributing  propaganda posters in various urban areas claiming that the common people do not support the Arakan Army (AA). A resident of Thandwe township said that the junta forces are apprehensive of the AA offensive in southern townships of Rakhine State.


"Military bases in Paletwa township of Chin State and Rathedaung, Buthidaung and Maungdaw townships of Rakhine State have already been captured. Now the military personnel are apprehensive of potential AA attacks on southern Rakhine townships. So the junta authority is spreading false news about the AA. We have observed such letters are distributed regularly in our area,” added the resident.

The posters try to convey the message- ULA/AA is not wanted in southern Rakhine State.


A local young resident informed that the aforementioned message is written on the cardboard, which is posted in the crowded place near Dwar Yar Waddy Myoma market of Thandwe township.

"I have noticed such posters stating that ULA/AA is not wanted as I went to the market this morning,” he added.


Another young boy revealed that he saw a similar poster on an almond tree in Bayint Naung street of ward number 2 near Thandwe Myoma market.


The posters are written in Rakhine language. The posters were seen in Thandwe urban areas on 9 December. The posters indirectly discouraged people to support ULA/AA and even tried to generate hatred against the organisation.


"These propaganda posters are clearly the handiwork of the military council. There is effort seen to remove these posters. So it appears to be a deliberate campaign by the junta authority to distort public perception towards ULA/AA," he added.


Meanwhile, the military council arrested 10 Thandwe residents on suspicion of being AA supporters.


The AA has been opposing the military dictatorship since 13 November and till date the AA members have captured a powerful tactical operation command and four border guard outposts belonging to the military council. Additionally, the AA members have gained control over more than 50 abandoned battalions and military camps.


Rakhine military observers informed Narinjara News that the military council, which is engaged in gun battles against AA members, has been resorting to various tactics targeting the people including arrests, killings, and also burning of villages with an aim to terrorise them.


Operation 1027, aimed at eliminating the military dictatorship, is now passing through its second phase. On the night of 9 December, the Three Brotherhood Alliance issued a statement urging the entire population of Myanmar to resist the military council using any available means.


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