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Five Rakhine townships emerge Covid-19 free

  • By: Web Master
  • | Date: 25 September 2020
  • | Viewer: 2.9k

Saung Zarchi
Narinjara News, 25 September 2020

All Covid-19 patients, who were undergoing treatments at various hospitals in five townships of  Rakhine State, were discharged as they tested negative for the novel corona virus infections. So at this moment, townships named Thandwe, Taungup, Rambree, Man Aung and Gwa are free from the Covid-19 pandemic.

Nine corona infected patients were discharged from hospitals in Thandwe township followed by eight individuals in Taungup, two in Rambree, one each in Man Aung and Gwa township, said Dr Soe Win Paing, assistant director of Rakhine State health department.

"They (infected persons) were not discharged at a time. The process of discharge began on 22 September and concluded yesterday. All have returned back to their villages with sound health,” he informed to Narinjara News.

Over 700 people have recovered from the infection across Rakhine State. Baring the five townships, 12 other Rakhine townships have presently 1,180 Covid-19 positive cases.

Myanmar as a whole recorded 8515 Covid-19 cases among them 2,381 individuals were already discharged from hospitals. The country, also known as Burma, has lost 155 people to Covid-19 complications till date.

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