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Kyaukdaw students unable to take exams as test questions fail to arrive

  • By: Web Master
  • | Date: 28 February 2020
  • | Viewer: 3.1k

Thant Mrat Khine
Sittwe February 28th 2020

Grade 4 and 8 students in schools in Kyaukdaw Township Mee Wa and Tin Ma Villages have been unable to take examinations as test questions have failed to arrive.

Local residents said grade 4 and 8 students were supposed to take the exams on the 24th of this month, but were unable to as the test questions had not been delivered to the schools.

“The problem is the exam questions haven’t arrived. It wasn’t my fault.  The exam questions haven’t been delivered as the boat which sends them hasn’t come.  In the present situation, it’s possible the boat drivers don’t dare to come here, I can’t say.  Once the boats get back up and running, the school teachers can go to Kyaukdaw and pick up the exam questions” Headmaster U Myo Zaw Lwin said.

“Once the boat services resume, the exam questions can be picked and the examinations can then be sat.  If the boats services continue to be suspended then the exam questions will not be available.  The Office of the Director of Education will have to be contacted concerning those students who won’t be able to take the tests – I don’t know exactly how many schools are affected” Headmaster U Myo Zaw Lwin said.

Mee Wa Village administrator U Maung Kyaw Nyunt confirmed that students were unable to take the exams, including his granddaughter.

Ma Wey Wey Than, an grade 8 student from Mee Wa Village who intended to take the examination explained. “I attend the government school in Mee Wa.  Exams were to be taken from February 24th, but we were unable to sit the exam as the boat bringing the questions didn’t come.  If the boat doesn’t come today or tomorrow we won’t be able to sit the exams ” she said.

Daw Aye Kyawt, a parent of students attending Tin Ma Village also explained, “The school in Tin Ma has been shut for about 20 days now, its been shut ever since the fighting started.  The children have a hard time getting an education.  Currently the grade 7 and 8 students haven’t been able to sit the exams.  I am worried that my children won’t be able to take the tests. If the fighting continues as it is now, then it won’t be easy for my children and their future will suffer” she said.

Narinjara contacted Rakhine State Education Commissioner U Tin Thein concerning why grade 4 and 8 students were unable to take the exams.  He explained that he was currently away on a trip but advised contacting the Township Education Officer.

“Just ask the Kyaukdaw Township Office.  I am in Naypyidaw attending a meeting” U Tin Thein said.
So Narinjara contacted the Township Education Officer and the Assistant Education Officer by phone, however they were unable to provide any reasons as to why the students could not sit the exam.

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